Mar y Sol Properties

Q & A

What do you charge for your services?

In our business, compensation is always negotiable, and we pride ourselves on offering competitive rates for our services. We prefer to work as exclusive single agents, providing our clients with full fiduciary duties, including complete confidentiality, loyalty, and obedience. At the beginning of our working relationship, all clients sign a representation agreement outlining our legal responsibilities and clearly stating our compensation terms. We believe in full transparency when it comes to fees, and all compensation is paid at closing. Unlike other agencies, we do not charge a retainer fee. For buyers, there are various ways to reduce the cost of the buyer’s agent compensation, and in many cases, the seller, or seller’s broker, covers all or part of it. Please contact us, and we will be happy to explain the details.

How can I change my REALTOR®?

It’s important to work with only one REALTOR® at a time. If you wish to switch to a different agent or brokerage, it’s recommended to send a written notice to the current agent or agency stating that you no longer wish to work with them. If the agent or agency has already shown you a property that you decide to purchase, they may still be entitled to the commission as the “procuring cause.” In some cases, it may be possible to collaborate with the original agent. However, if you are already under contract with them, you must continue working with that agent until the contract is fulfilled. For more information, please call us at 321-608-0400.

What happens if I have issues with the property after closing?

When the property is transferred to your name on the closing day, the seller no longer has any responsibility because the property is now yours. It is always recommended to have an inspection to identify any potential issues with the property before you purchase it. In some cases, the seller may offer a home warranty policy for the appliances. Additionally, the buyer may have legal rights if the seller or their agent violated the law, such as by failing to disclose all known facts that affect the value of a residential property. We always ensure that these disclosures are provided in writing. For more information, please call us at 321-608-0400.

Can you work with my bank or mortgage company?

Yes, we work with any lender and are not tied to any specific one. We often recommend certain lenders because we have a good relationship with them and know they do excellent work, but we can just as easily work with others and do so frequently. We always suggest using a company with a local presence to avoid misunderstandings and delays caused by various factors. For more information, please call us at 321-608-0400.

Is it better to work with a brokerage agency with a national presence?

Choosing Mar y Sol Properties over a national agency offers the advantage of personalized, boutique service tailored to your unique needs. Our trusted agents provide “white glove” attention, ensuring that every detail of your real estate experience is handled with care and precision. With deep local knowledge, we offer insights and expertise specific to the area, helping you make the most informed decisions. Unlike larger, impersonal firms, we prioritize building lasting relationships with our clients, offering a level of service and dedication that larger agencies often can’t match.

What is escrow, and why is it required?

An escrow deposit in real estate serves as a good faith gesture from the buyer, demonstrating their serious intent to purchase the property. This deposit is held by a neutral third party (the escrow agent) and is applied toward the buyer’s closing costs or down payment at the completion of the transaction. The purpose of the escrow deposit is to protect both parties: it assures the seller that the buyer is committed, while also safeguarding the buyer’s funds until all contractual conditions are met. If the deal falls through due to contingencies outlined in the contract, the buyer may have the deposit returned. Escrow deposits are required to provide security and confidence throughout the transaction process.

What is an appraisal?

Look at the information on this page.

What is a competitive market analysis (CMA)?

Look at the information on this page.

Can I do my search in other web pages like or Zillow?

Of course! But if you are working with us, please do not click on any of the properties. Instead, just send us the address or MLS number, and we will provide you with more information. Many of our clients use those websites for their searches because they find them convenient. However, we want to point out that all the information originates from the MLS, and you can access the Brevard County MLS directly through our website.

How is the mortgage payment calculated?

Look at the information on this page.

What are the requirements to buy a house?

Look at the information on this page.

What happens if my credit is low?

If you are purchasing with a mortgage loan, you may not be able to qualify if your credit history is poor. Look at the information on this page.

Do you have information on video?

Yes, we have video information on this website, as well as our YouTube channel and our Facebook page.

If you have any specific questions, please fill out this form.